• Resolved admin_michelle


    I’m new to WordPress and trying to get my head around the structure of it all.
    I’m in the process of making a website for someone and I have created a child theme of the theme Delicate. I’m a graphic designer with basic knowledge of html so I want to customize this theme according to my own designs. I have managed to create a horizontal menu following these instructions


    and I have managed to style and place it where I want it to be on the page, this is my url


    I have also managed to add my pages and figured out the url for them, for example the link to my ‘biography’ page is


    and if I put this in my code my links on my menu bar works so this is great.

    The problem now is that I can’t find the actual ‘physical’ file when I go to my server. I want to open the page files in my text editor and make changes to the different pages (for example simple things like disable the link for ‘biography’ in the menubar when you are on that page. Do you have any idea how to access the actual file, where it might be saved?

    Would be very grateful for any help on this topic…


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  • Thread Starter admin_michelle



    my home page is the header.php file in the original Delicate folder, do I perhaps resave this file as biography.php, contact.php etc and make the changes in those files? but I’m not sure then how all the structures will work as it appears the header. php page is connected to loads of other structures such as the hooks.php and the functions.php pages…

    Yes to say the least I’m VERY confused.

    In the html world that I’m used to all the files just lives in the same folder and are connected in an easy straight forward way…

    Your site’s content is stored in your database.

    Thread Starter admin_michelle


    Yes but I can’t seem to find it – I have looked in both the Delicate and my Child Theme folders. I want to de-activate the links for the page that you are on in my menu bar at the top, for example if you are on the ‘Biography’ page that link should be de-activated and I want to make a visual change (perhaps make the area round the word ‘biography’ grey) so that you know that you are on that page.

    I know the url for where the page is


    But I don’t know what the actual file is called and where it is situated, Also the menu that I have created is coded on the header.php file in the original Delicate folder (linking to the style sheet in my Delicate Child theme) it appears now that all my pages are displaying this menu but it must be possible to make changes for how the menu is displayed on the individual pages (otherwise what would be the point of making it in the first place?)

    Can you write some code to make the menu behave differently on each individual page and if yes what is this code and where do you write this code (on the header.php file in the original Delicate folder, on the style sheet in my Delicate Child them folder or on the actual page files themselves, wherever they are)?

    I would be immensely grateful for some help on this as I am completely stuck now and can’t move on.

    Thank you so much for your time and advice


    I can’t seem to find it

    Your database is on your host’s MySQL server. ask for hosts for assistance in accessing it. Most hosts offer tools that allow you to examine your database (amongst other things).

    I want to make a visual change (perhaps make the area round the word ‘biography’ grey) so that you know that you are on that page.

    That would be carried out using CSS. Try using Firefox with the Firebug add-on for this kind of work.

    Thread Starter admin_michelle


    no no no Esmi,

    I’m obviously not explaining myself properly, I AM accessing my database, that’s how I have been able to modify certain files in my text editor and then uploading them to my server via FTP.

    My problem is that I don’t know WHERE the page files are situated on my server (I have looked in both the Delicate and my Child Theme folders) and I’m not even sure what exactly these new page files are called.

    I also know how to code the css with normal html but since I am so confused about the structure of wordpress I don’t know in what document to write this code and what exactly the code would be in this case…

    As I explained, the menu that I have created is coded on the header.php file in the original Delicate folder (linking to the style sheet in my Delicate Child theme). All my pages are displaying this menu (which is great) but surely it must be possible to make changes for how the menu is displayed on the individual pages?

    So I’m wondering

    1. if it’s possible to write some code to make the menu at the top of my page behave differently on each individual page?

    2. if yes, what this code is and

    3. where do you write this code (on the header.php file in the original Delicate folder, on the style sheet in my Delicate Child them folder or on the actual page files themselves, wherever they are)?

    I hope I explained myself a bit better this time, and once again thank you so much for attempting to help me, I really appreciate it.


    To attempt to further clarify:

    I’m obviously not explaining myself properly, I AM accessing my database, that’s how I have been able to modify certain files in my text editor and then uploading them to my server via FTP.

    Your database, and your files are not the same thing. Your files have nothing to do with your database. But to affect your menu, you won’t need to do anything in the DB, only in the file structure.

    Your page layout, etc, is controlled by your files. The actual content is dynamic, stored in the DB, and called by the files

    By default your menu is generated the same across the board. You can’t control what happens on a per pgae basis

    Now, are you looking to make the menu styled differently per page, or behave totally differently (Like different links, etc) per page?

    To style differently, you can do that in the style.css within your theme, using a combination of the body class, and the menu classes, all generated by WP

    To go beyond stylistic differences, the coding will most liklely be php and more complex.

    Thread Starter admin_michelle


    Dear Vodoo,

    Thank you so much for getting back to me. All I am trying to do is to de-activated the links with the name of the page that you are on (just like the way any menu would work – when you are on the ‘about’ page for example the word about in the top menu wouldn’t be a link anymore and it might be styled slightly differently to indicate that you are on that page)

    As you might see if you go to my url


    I have styled the links with a hover effect and I know how to style the links using css but yes the menu would have to have different links on each page. I’m a bit confused over why WordPress shows you how to make horizontal menu bars (this is the link I used)


    and shows you how to insert it into your header.php page and then just ‘leaves you there’ without further explanation on how you will actually get it to work when it turns out to be so nightmarishly complicated. If you create this type of top navigation menu bar, of course you expect (and need it to) behave like a ‘normal’ menu bar – they all follow these principals, when you are on each specific page/link, that link is de-activated and it is styled slightly differently from the other links to show that you are on that/link page now.

    I really don’t know what to do now, I can’t believe it’s this difficult to make a simple basic menu in wordpress…

    I really appreciate your help, have you any advice for what I can do about this problem at this stage or who to ask? I would hate having to give up when I have come this far…


    Hi Michelle,

    Sounds like you might need to do some reading on how WordPress and every other content management systems works.

    These changes are fairly simple and I’ll give you a quick overview of the template hierarchy in WordPress.

    All of your site files are located in the /wp-content directory. This directory is divided into several sub-folders. The two most important are ‘plugins’ and ‘themes’. Under the ‘themes’ directory you’ll find your theme files. Any modifications that you make to the look and feel of the site should be done in the ‘themes’ directory. This will ensure that when you update WordPress your changes are not lost.

    Every theme has a few required files. Some of them are index.php (your basic template), functions.php (for PHP functions) and styles.css (for style changes). Anything beyond those files is used to further customize your theme. For example, I could create a template called page.php that would target all pages within the system. The theme template hierarchy that I linked to above will help you decide what your pages should be named in order to target certain sections.

    Hope this helps!

    @admin_michelle, that is a generic help page for creating a menu in general

    Most WP sites create their menus using wp_nav_menu

    This generates a menu which default, is based on your pages

    However, if used with register_nav_menu

    You can then use the built in menu interface to add and remove links as you see fit.

    However, I have never seen a site I don’t think, where the currently active page is deactivated (as far as click functionality, stylewise, all my sites have the active tab styled differently).

    As for styling, when using the generated menu, the ul and li elements get assigned a variety of selectors

    If I’m not mistaken, the active item gets assigned a class of current-menu-item

    Which would allow for specific styling of the active item

    menu-main-menu-container"><ul id="menu-main-menu" class="menu"><li id="menu-item-33" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom current-menu-item current_page_item menu-item-home menu-item-33

    Here’s the output for the beginning of my menu as an example

    Now again, adding and removing pages on a per page basis isn’t something I’ve ever done, although I’m sure it’s possible (Maybe using a walker)

    Thread Starter admin_michelle


    Hi there Voodoo,

    I just saw your reply. Thank you so much for helping me out, really appreciate it.


    I wanted to know, if anybody knows where exactly are the pages that i created? I mean on the server, i can’t find those php files of the pages that i created. Are those inside someother php?

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